Interlocking Simulation Station (ISS)
ISS is a PC-based software in-loop simulation system with I/O interface, providing an integrated testing environment for simulating the application logic software.
Purposes :
- Testing application logic loaded into the interlocking system
- Studying and testing how application logic related modifications made to the existing interlocking system work in real train traffic conditions
- Testing a virtual interlocking system and VDU before the system is implemented and commissioned
- Reducing the time duration, and increasing the productivity of the entire life cycle
Interfaces :
Workbench software application with UI
Visual Display Unit
The I/O Simulator software simulates the field bits and provides a status view of the Boolean bits, panel bits, field bits and system bits
Simulates a CBI used for controlling points, signals, LC gates etc, through a centralized control panel or through VDU, such as relay based interlocking systems
Features :

GUI based software

Simulate the field/panel bits

VDU is also tested along with Application logic
Client Benefits :

Rapid control system prototyping without hardware

Scalable to any computation and I/O requirements

Early verification and validation through built in simulation, with reduced effort and cost

Interoperable for any EI System

Configuration of the system can be defined according to the intended use

Parameters, models, and results can easily be exchanged, since it is a PC-based simulation platform

Seamless / quick integration with Subsystems (ISS PC-based Software / VDU / IO Simulator)

It is used as training tool to learn and analyze the functionality of application logic design