Operator VDU (SCIXL)
Operator VDU, also known as “Safe Control and Indication for Interlocking” (SCIXL) is a non-vital Interactive Display System, in which a PC based application software acts as an interface between Station Master and Electronic Interlocking System. It displays a complete yard graphical layout along with real-time info related to signal, point, track, and other signalling devices, to the Station Master (SM) using which the SM can manually send the control command to CBI using this device.
Purposes :
- Displays complete yard graphical layout along with real-time info related to signal, point, track, and other signalling devices, to the station master
- Station Master can send the control command to CBI manually using this device
Interfaces :
Computer-Based Interlocking (CBI)
SCIXL Standby VDU System
Embedded PC
Standard embedded PC, which hosts SCIXL Application Software
Display Unit
USB based Keyboard, Mouse
Features :

Flexible device with ease of use and robustness

Easily configurable for new environments

Greater Durability

HDMI or VGA Interface

Flexible High Resolution Display
Client Benefits :

User friendly Interface displaying status of CBI

Ability to send authenticated regular and emergency command to CBI

Generates audio and visual alarms on failure

Displays the latest status of station yard elements at 100ms intervals

Redundant Communication for effective utilization of station yard